Two Major Reasons for the Increase in the Nursing Home Abuse Cases

The increase in the rise of the nursing home abuse cases has become alarming and most people are today apprehensive about sending their elderly family member to nursing home. The nursing home is expected to be a symbol of care, attentions and compassion but the present situation that is seen is in direct contrast to all those emotions that are usually expected at such nursing homes. Thankfully, the nursing home abuse lawyer helps in restoring justice to those unfortunate elders who suffer highly inappropriate and disastrous experiences, making them lose their trust in the medical facility. 

According to the nursing home attorney, there are many reasons for the occurrence of such abuses in the nursing homes. One of the major reasons for this is the decreasing number of manpower that the nursing homes recruit which adds to the burden of stress and frustration in those working overtime and attending to more patients than they are supposed to. This is primarily done to reduced cost of salary that must be paid to the nursing assistants, attendants and workers in the nursing homes. The fault therefore lies with the management of these nursing homes and those who suffer are the inmates of the nursing home who come to it for care and attention. 

The nursing home lawyer explains that the second reason is the medical problems that most inmates suffer through their stay in the nursing is triggered further by the lack of proper medication or attention given to many factors like hygiene, timely medications, lack of food and water, severe lack of fluids that lead to dehydration and many such concerns. These problems are never looked into nor solved by the management of the nursing homes in spite of   these problems being cited by the nursing home abuse attorney.

This lack of concern on the part of the management has led to the increase in abuse cases in the nursing home.


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